Thursday, December 20, 2007

Anyone know of anyone driving from Ottawa to Iroquois Falls in the next four days?

So how dumb am I? Okay, a rhetorical question there, but bear with me.
First, I book the flight north for Boxing Day. Then I go out Christmas shopping, sucking up to Santa and Big Retail Business by going hog wild with big presents like housecoats, sweaters, goofy slippers (no moose or Homer Simpsons, but in that realm). How the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks do I pack all that crap?
So it looks like I'll find a box big enough, and put it on the bus. Thank Gawd the strike is over, and buses are running again north of North Bay.
Where's Scotty when you need him to beam something up for you?


Sean Newbury said...

Honesty, what in the worls say MERRY CHRISTMAS (or possibly Happy Birthday) more in this world than goofy slippers. I ask you?!

Good Lock News Guy Santa...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I deleted the comment above, because it was mine, and I screwed up a couple words. Here's what it's supposed to say:

Yeah, I can tell you this, cuz Little Bro Dan does not lurk here. I'm not even sure he knows I have this blog. Anyway, he's a little Frenchman who has always been a Habs fan and even though he's a defenceman and not a goalie, Patrick "Wah-Wah" Roy is his favourite all-time player. So I bought him a pair of slippers that look like a Montreal Canadien. I've already named the guy that's depicted, Jean-Guy Toughnuts. And for Christine the Pretty Fiancée, Winnie the Pooh slippers. I'm sure Maggie the Yorkie will freak out over the slippers.

BY THE WAY: I would still accept the offer of delivery by car to Paw's house in I.F., but I figured out how to cram everything into a suitcase. I'll probably use another suitcase for clothes, toiletries, prescriptions, etc. --if I decide that any of that stuff is necessary.

Sean Newbury said...

It's amazing how much luggage space you can save if you go 'au naturel' Of course having back-waxed a few weeks ago leaves you a little, um, extra bare....

Maria said...

"au naturel" in the middle of the winter??

I am sure little bro Dan would wonder what the heck you been sniffing!

Anonymous said...

Me tough boy from North can go au naturel in winter. Me likey make naked snow angels. Me just no likey shrinkage.

Sean Newbury said...


"Me likey make naked snow angels."

That's got to be the FUNNIEST thing I've read all week!

Anonymous said...

Cool! Thanks for the slippers big brother!