Monday, January 07, 2008

What ho, Guv'nah! Do you heah a fog horn?

I took this off my balcony at about 11:30 this morning. It was 6C at the time. If anything, it's even foggier now.


Maria said...

Very foggy in Montreal also.

My Air Canada source who is working today (A.K.A. Hubby) said many flights were cancelled due to The Fog. Isn't that a horror movie ?? The Fog? Sounds scary!

In any case, I think fog is very calming...

Maria said...

BTW, we have FOG & no power so count your blessings!

JB said...

Driving into Hamilton from Brantford this morning, the only fog was hovering over what little snow was left along the side of the highway. There'd be a long green patch, no fog...then, a patch of snow, with the fog hovering about four or five feet high in the air just above it.
It was very 'stay off the moors'-looking, and very cool.

Sean Newbury said...

I love me some fog... reminds me of home... It's blooming gloomy here in MTL! Very apropos for a Monday, non?